Friday, November 29, 2013

True Christianity

True Christianity comes from the inside out. A good heart will change a man's actions, but a man's actions cannot change his heart. One of religion's favorite doctrines is that if you will just act right, you will be right. Nothing could be further from the truth. You must be born again. And if you are born again, then holiness is a by-product and not the way to a relationship with God. This is the heart of the Gospel. Every major religion including Christian religions of the world has a moral standard it enforces, but only True Christianity offers salvation through a Savior. Presenting holiness in any way other than as a result of salvation is denying Jesus as our Savior and places the burden of salvation on us. Improper emphasis on achieving holiness or salvation through one's own actions or by keeping a set of rules can damn that person. The Gospel Paul preached made people ask in Rom 6:1, “Shall I continue in sin that grace may abound?” The “gospel” I was taught never made me ask that question. If you didn't ask that question, there's a good chance you didn't hear the same Gospel Paul preached. With that being said… The word Gospel means Good News. The Good News is your sins are paid for ONE time Forever and it wasn't by anything you could have done, it was ALL Jesus. Hebrews 10:12 says, “But this man, after he had offered ONE sacrifice for sins FOREVER, sat down on the right hand of God.” Now you’re asking; “what does that mean?” It means sins are paid for. Your past, present, and future sins are forgiven one time forever 2000 years ago and they are never being brought up against you.

Religion will tell you there has to be more than just believing on Jesus to be declared right with God. They feel that if you miss it in some area of your life, you have to suffer to make it feel like you have been forgiven and made back right with God. You can suffer all you want to, beat yourself up if you want to, but that isn't going to make you no more forgiven and no more righteous than you already are. Even when you miss it, you are the righteousness of God in Christ, even in the middle of sin, that didn't make you unrighteous, because Jesus has been made UNTO YOU HIS righteousness. And you can only be unrighteous if Jesus is, and that will never happen. Jesus MADE you HIS righteousness so that you can stand before God without a guilty conscious.

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