Friday, November 29, 2013

About The Gospel Of Grace

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” Romans 1:16

For years, I had read this verse, and it was a dead verse to me. The Word of God is ALIVE and ACTIVE, but for me, this verse didn’t carry much life to me, but it now carries a meaning for me that will never ever change and it will forever be the focus of my ministry.

I never grew up in church. My parents were not church going people. I was first saved in 2001 at the age of 29. Before then, I was someone who was in and out of trouble, was an alcoholic before I turned 18, hung out with the wrong crowd and was always with the wrong people. I never grew up in church, but even as a little boy, I knew that God wanted to use me for His glory, but I never quite understood it.

Up until 2009, I walked very closely with the Lord. For almost 3 years, I studied the Word of God everyday, sometimes up to 10 hours a day. I was hungry for the Word and to know about this God who loved me so much. If the church was open, I was there. f anyone came over to my house, I was always reading the Bible and listening to teachings from ministers. If there was a conference going on, and the Word was being preached, I was there.

But, after a few years, the joy began to fade. I was beginning to hear messages and sermons about how I have to be holy and I have to let go of my sins, that my prayers were not being answered because my behavior wasn’t good enough. I tried so hard to live this life as a good Christian and I meant well by that, but after a while it was too much. I had finally given up on the God that loved me and saved me because I believed that this life as a Christian was just way to difficult and I would never be “good enough” to see prayers answered and God’s promises come to pass in my life. From 2009 up until this year, I was in a backslidden condition. I started drinking and smoking again and even involved myself in relationships that could have cost me my very life. Even though I knew that God had a calling and a purpose for ministry on my life, I walked completely away from it all because I could not live up to the standards that other Christians were placing upon me, including those in ministry.

But, this August, God started to unveil this gospel of grace unto me, and all I can say is that the gospel of grace transformed my walk with God. It changed how I viewed God and it also changed how I thought God saw me. And now, all the scriptures I heard before about who I really was in Christ, I am now seeing the full reality of those scriptures. I have now seen my identity is in Christ and that God sees me in Christ, God sees me right now, in Christ, without a stain of sin on me.
Now, I no longer have to be a performer for God, I can be a receiver of His grace and all of His precious promises towards me. And all those things I used to struggle trying to not do when I was trying to live “right” before God, they are all slipping away as I behold who I am in Jesus. I pray that as I unveil to you what God has shown me, that God uses this to open your eyes as well, to see the beauty of His love for us, and that you as well will receive His lavish love and wonderful grace that He has given to us.

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