Friday, November 29, 2013

God's Love

God's love for you is not based on your performance. God's promises are given to us out of His love for us and they must be received out of His love for us. When you connect His promises to your performance there will be no power for them to manifest in your life. (Romans 4:13-14) All the promises that God has given us must be received by faith and that only works by the understanding you have of how much God loves you and is in love with you and His love for you it's independent of how you perform.

No matter how you feel no matter what you have done or said, God IS pleased with you. You are His treasure. You are precious in His sight. You are His masterpiece because you are a piece of the Master. (Genesis 1:27)

It doesn't matter what you have done, what you have said, or how you feel, you must come to the absolute conviction, you must be convinced beyond any doubts that God is for me and God is not mad at me and God loves me and is IN love WITH me. God's love towards us is not based upon our performance, it is based on who He is and He IS love. Nothing you can ever do will ever make God stop loving you. God is love and God showed us His love when we did not deserve it or earn it. When you are at your weakest, that is when He wants you the most. Your sins, failures, and weaknesses does not push you away from God, but rather it draws Him closer. Our tendencies to sin does not repel God, but it attracts Him more towards us. Thank Him today for the glorious gift of His love towards us.

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